Face Treatments

Nose Job Abroad (Rhinoplasty)
The nose is the most prominent facial feature on an individual. An oversized or crooked nose can invite unwanted attention or even cause breathing problems. A nose job also called as Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that permanently alters the shape of the nose. A nose job "Rhinoplasty" performed by Surgical Group can drastically improve the structure and size of the nose.

Facelift Abroad
You can tell a lot about a person by their face, and age is no exception. Ageing can be especially brutal on the face, causing skin to droop, prominent wrinkles and a thinner, gaunt look. Through Facelift Surgery, it’s possible to reclaim a firmer, youthful appearance in the face.

Eyelid Surgery Abroad
Eyelid drooping causes people to look significantly older, and in extreme cases can even obscure vision. Eyelid Surgery abroad could not be simpler or safer, easily restoring your eyelids to a more aesthetic look.

Bichectomy Abroad
Fed up with having a round, chubby face? Do you need to apply makeup to reveal your cheekbones? Then a Bichectomty, also known as cheek fat removal is exactly what you’re looking for.

Brow Lift Abroad
Fed up of always looking tired? If you feel like your brows are slowly sinking lower as the years pass, then a Brow Lift can help. A Brow Lift will provide a younger, rejuvenated look to your brow, forehead and area around your eyes.

Septorhinoplasty Abroad
If you’re struggling to breathe properly through your nose, a Septorhinoplasty procedure will restore your nose to proper function, not only giving it a nice shape but allowing you to exercise and breathe at your full potential.